
Endless Dream

Endless Dream

Dreams are endless life,
and Life is an endless dream,
my brother in Love Eternal!
One Who Gives Love,
stirs the Source
once and forever,
flows in compassion,
every time.
Love carries free will,
and free will carries love.
In Eternal Conjunctur,
we will be dancing in SoundLight,

(Cymatic Video based on James Mahu's painting "Imaginary"
and the song "Hopeful Words" from the project)


1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    I didn’t really see how the music is creating the motion that’s cool! 😎
    I didn’t notice that before. This is the first time I’m watching this. I can really see it moving. I mean the sound is creating the movement. That’s cool. I love that. Thank you. It’s beautiful.
