Sensars as elements or insignia of the language of the First Source have the form of glyphs. Let us see what James answers to the question of what a Sensar is:
"The Sensar, in addition to being an alphabet itself, can be translated into encoded symbols that correspond to the nature of ideograms or pictograms rather than syllables. Senzar as a language was brought to Earth by the Central Race. The reason is quite simple. The language of pictograms can convey an extremely complex concept in a simple sign... Sensar is a language that flows between alphabetic signs, mathematical symbols, and musical notes. It is an integrated language, sometimes referred to as the Universal Language of Light or the Insignia of First Source."
James Mahu, Answers to Forum Questions, Section 3, Question 34
In addition to the fact that these sensars or glyphs appear in many places in James's paintings, the book Quantusum also contains a description of the experience of encountering them. This is the experience of the main character, Solomon, in Chapter 45, The Celestial Orb:
What I saw next was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. The light of the orb illuminated the whole lake, and I could see the whole lake under the surface, the water was transparent almost like air. The orb began to rotate very slowly, and as it did so, it sent out glyphs of golden light that traveled to the shore in about ten seconds. I watched as some of these glyphs came up close to my position underwater - they seemed to be alive, changing shapes as they passed through the water.
I needed to breathe again to keep watching, and before I started to rise up for air, I made sure there were no glyphs in my path to touch. I popped my head above the water, took a quick look around, took a deep breath, and went back below the surface.
The orb rotated faster and faster, and as it sped up, the number of glyphs it released grew exponentially. They were coming at me in greater numbers, and my efforts to avoid them were becoming futile. One of them whizzed just inches past me and I could feel and hear the subtle electrical charge it was releasing.
Then I noticed one hit me in the ankle on my left leg and I felt a surge of energy run up my spine and into my head. When this happened, I heard a sound similar to a slow sigh or an unspoken statement.
The orb continued to accelerate and the glyphs around me grew larger. Several of them touched my body. I wanted to climb out of the lake and get to the safety of the shore, but I was unable to move. I felt more hits and each time it happened I experienced an electric charge and heard a sound similar to a word that wanted to be spoken.
When more than a dozen of the glyphs touched me, I began to hear sounds that I understood to be words.
"Sovereign... Integral ... creating... expansion... activated... interface... source... intelligence..."
I could hear the words echoing in my head, coming from within, and each word reverberated like a huge gong being sounded by a mighty mace. When the glyphs touched my body, it was as if they transferred the sound of the words into my head and filled my brain and nervous system with them. I heard the words like separate notes, but I did not understand their meaning.
James Mahu - Quantusum, chap. 45
The above-quoted description of the experience is an example of how an encounter and communication with the Wholeness Navigator can be experienced through the glyphs of the Language of Unity. This experience was also depicted by James in the DVD "Meditation in Spacetime", from which this screenshot is taken:
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WingMakers DVD Meditation in Spacetime |
A stream of glowing and sounding sensars emanates from the glowing golden "celestial orb" on the right side of the scene. This is, of course, the identity of the core of consciousness - the Wholeness Navigator, whose symbol may be, for example, the double tetrahedron mentioned earlier:
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The Wholeness Navigator Symbol - Merkaba (WingMakers DVD Meditation in Spacetime) |
In the animation on the DVD, we can see how this orb emanates in 6 directions (remember the hexagonal geometry of the Flower of Life) these glowing and sounding sensars or glyphs - the symbols of the language of Source Intelligence through which the Wholeness Navigator communicates. The glyphs are alive, glowing, sounding, and communicating - bringing their indelible message of light and love. In the previous part of our study, we explained the Cymatics principle that light and sound are connected, that light can be heard and sound can be seen. Sensars are just such symbols that integrate light and sound into a unified language.
Now let's look at what James says about Tributary Zones and the art of WingMakers:
"The chamber paintings featured on the WingMakers website are translations of actual paintings that are stored in the Tributary Zone near the galactic core of the Milky Way. The original "paintings" are photonically animated with advanced technology that allows the art to behave intelligently in response to the music. In other words, the music is the engine that triggers the animation of the paintings. The original environment in which the art is stored requires that I, as a translator, capture a "snapshot" of the painting that best represents the dynamic art in static form. These original works are not "classified" by some government organizations. I can assure you of that. They simply exist in another dimension and are visible to the senses with a different scope. The DVD "Meditation in Spacetime" is an attempt to capture how the paintings actually behave in their natural environment."
QaA from the WM Forum, Section 3, James' answer to question 60
For a closer look at the experience of sounding light and glowing sound, we can also watch the following video from the field of Cymatic experiments, where the synchronization of sound and geometry of light dancing to the rhythm of music is beautifully visible (Deva and Miten - Gayatri mantra):
This video brings us to the topic of chanting mantras, as a simple principle of working with sound and its archetypal geometry. James gives the following information:
"It has long been known in the field of esoterics that sound is the most effective way to get beyond separateness and reignite a sense of union in the heart-mind-body-soul system. Music, properly tuned and orchestrated, is like a needle and thread that stitches these components of the human entity together; not into an eternal union, but into a manageable formation and coherence."
"It is this formation and coherency that allows your spiritual work to come to the surface and blossom. Sound is the bridge that connects the "islands" of the heart-mind-body-soul system, unifying them into a single "geographical" system that serves the natural and original purpose of individualized consciousness."
"Spirit becomes matter through the vibration of sound; similarly, matter becomes spirit through the harmony of sound. It is a two-way energetic exchange - science is only beginning to understand it. Since prehistoric times, people have known that music changes the environment and our relationship to time and space; now science is revealing that music also changes our cellular structure, energy centers (chakras), and the coherence between the parts of our absolute self (the heart-mind-body-soul system)."
"Mantras, specifically when practiced in esoteric schools of sound and light, were designed to enhance the root frequencies or source vibrations that establish the unifying vibration of each human instrument. This unifying Source Vibration globally defines the descending form in which the human instrument manifests in the physical domain, as well as the ascension path along which it evolves."
"There are references in all religious texts, as well as in physics and cosmology, that describe the prime cause - Para Vach - whatever description they use. In the Bible, it is the Word that was the beginning; in the Upanishads, it is Nada; in the Koran, the Kalma-I-ilahi or inner sound; in Sufism, Hu; in Pythagorean philosophy, the music of the spheres; in Buddhism, the Fohat; in Chinese mysticism, the Kwan-Yin-Tien. Whatever its exact name or definition, it is the prime cause of all sound and light in the Grand Universe, which in turn is the prime cause of all manifestation."
"This connection is embodied in each of us. It is our source of pure vibration upon which we live as infinite beings. In the book Liminal Cosmogony, it is written: "The harmony of Light and Sound comes from the Hidden Father; it is the universal code of unity that is condensed into its Brilliant Children in the worlds of form." However, it is the worlds of form that can taint and pollute this connection and this subtle vibration; therefore, it is necessary to understand the basic concept of the Communication Zone."
"The basic rule of the Communication Zone is Harmony; appropriately tuned music can help create, control, and maintain this perception of harmony. When the Communication Zone is properly managed, it provides a buffer between the human soul and the worlds of form that attack it. This is a consequence of the density of vibration in the world of form, which unwittingly, in some cases even deliberately, reduces the vibrational range of the human soul vessel - the human instrument - to the vibrational range of matter."
"Sacred music, chants, mantras, and harmonic vibrations have a balancing effect on this vibrational density; they are the most powerful way to control and maintain the inner harmony of the Communication Zone that surrounds each of us. The voice of an individual chanting a mantra or the holy name of the First Source in a state of meditation is very powerful; especially when the individual actively imagines and visualizes the harmonious Communication Zone."
Coherence of Evolutionary Consciousness, Text to the Music of Hakomi 4-6
I will only add that in chanting mantras one works rhythmically with the breath (externally) and with the mental imagery (internally). This mental imagery relates to your own innermost self, the identity of the core of consciousness - however you choose to portray it. This mental image is a living representation of a harmonious unison that evolves with time.
This concludes this part, in which we have gained a basic understanding of the essence of the Sensars, which is the harmony of light and sound that forms the structure of the Language of Unity.
In love and free will
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