Heart Virtues are the flowering of Universal, unconditional love in the human domain. You can think of heart virtues as a creative palette of colors with which to paint the emotional landscape of your life. So you can become a Living from the Heart artist or a Sovereign Integral artist, as James calls it in The Sovereign Integral - A New Model of Existence, paragraph 100:
100 The definition of an artist, in this context, is one who can imagine, with noble intention, the faint outline of the Sovereign Integral and express it in their life. That is it. You could be a physicist-artist, a government worker-artist, an attorney-artist, an unemployed-artist, a mother-artist, a child-artist, it only matters that you are practicing the intention to access the Noble Mind and the imaginative faculty therein. The art will come through our life, and our collective Social Program will expand into new possibilities with each artist’s resolve and commitment.
James Mahu - The Sovereign Integral: A new model of existence, par. 100
So let's explore a bit more the "faint outline of the Sovereign Integral" to see what we are actually supposed to be manifesting in our lives.
In an earlier article, Spiritual Activism, which falls under the Event Temples project, James used a concept he called the Wholeness Paradigm. This concept is also accompanied by a diagram:
James Mahu, EVT3: Temple of Spiritual Activism |
The concept of the Wholeness Paradigm is described in the above article as follows:
The Sovereign Integral consciousness can be envisioned as the connective “glue”
that unifies each of us into wholeness. The Spiritual Center is the portal through
which the Sovereign Integral consciousness can enter the human instrument and
convey the feeling of Oneness at such a heightened level that the individual is
forever held in its embrace. The human instrument, at its purest vibratory level,
consists of the higher mind and energetic heart operating in coherent interchange.
This communication is best described as an “intelligence of attunement.”
It is this attunement and coherence that empowers the human instrument to
emanate and act in accord with the Spiritual Center and Sovereign Integral
consciousness. In turn, this creates a more light-filled local multiverse that surrounds
the individual expression and powers the spiritual activism of the individual.
Behavioral intelligence is the grounded foundation, and the Sovereign Integral
consciousness is the enraptured heights of the Wholeness Paradigm.
James Mahu, EVT3: Temple of Spiritual Activism
Intelligent behavior is thus the basis of the Wholeness Paradigm and presents the practice of Heart Virtues in daily life. It is guided by the conscious intention of Living from the Heart, which must become the gravitational core of life or the Trunk Line that winds through life as a connecting thread of coherence. The diagram of the Trunk Line is depicted in the text Living from the Heart as follows:
Diagram of Trunk line from Living from the Heart paper |
This diagram illustrates that as practitioners of Living from the Heart, we can have an ordinary life filled with relationships, studies, a system of living, and other mundane qualities of life. At the same time, however, the Awareness of the Living from the Heart intention is present in the practitioner's life, which centers all of life's experiences into this Trunk Line or Gravitational Core of life. Experiences that are not aligned with this Trunk Line are terminated or "centrifuged" away, and those experiences that are aligned with the intention of Heart Virtues practice become part of the life manifestation and are strengthened and further developed. James calls this resonance or conscious maintenance of the coherence of the individual's vibrational field the "Intelligent Attunement" of the heart-mind system.
This Intelligent Attunement is subject to many temptations or disturbances in the daily world from external environmental influences, which we need to learn to understand as challenges to practice leading us into the Unconditioned manifestation of Heart Virtues. It is these incessant seeming distractions that prompt us, again and again, to emotionally process life events, relationships, problems, inspirations, etc.
Since Universal Love is like a white light and the human emotional system is like a prism through which Love passes and takes on the form of a color spectrum of pure emotional states called Heart Virtues, we have a palette of colors in our emotional intelligence with which we as Sovereign Integral Artists can color the Emotional Landscape of our lives. These Artists, then, are those who have established the manifestation of Heart Virtues as the gravitational core of their lives and are artistically reshaping the emotional landscape of their lives toward emotional flourishing. This further reshapes the life value system of these individuals, their attitudes, beliefs, expressions, and activities.
Let's look at how these "Sovereign Integral artists" are described by James in paragraph 98 of The Sovereign Integral - A New Model of Existence:
98 There is an evolutionary imperative on the part of the Sovereign Integral within human reality, and it is to use the magical capacity of intention: thoughts, words, images, sounds, behaviors and colors to create a new culture of expanding possibilities. This new culture is not envisioned and created by science, technology, education, government or religion. It is not even created by spirituality. It is driven by artists. This is a space where the Sovereign Integral can live and breathe, lending its perspective on the two behaviors of love and free will.
James Mahu, The Sovereign Integral - A New Model of Existence, par. 98
The artist of the Sovereign Integral consciousness is therefore any sincere practitioner who, according to his or her momentary abilities, combines the Sovereign aspect of consciousness with the Integral, the Individual with the Collective, in order to weave into the Collective vibratory field the higher frequencies of love, compassion, care leading to the sustainable development of our civilization.
In paragraph 99 of the New Model of Existence, James further defines the Sovereign Integral Artist as the Scribe of Consciousness:
99 As I said previously, humanity is in the evolutionary process to become the Scribes of Consciousness. We are the one species that can describe the Sovereign Integral and have it become the center of our culture. The scribes are the artists, except this is a different kind of art. It is the art of imagination and manifestation. It is to visioncast the Sovereign Integral so that humanity can live in harmony with Nature and technology.
James Mahu, The Sovereign Integral - A New Model of Existence, par. 99
So much, then, for my exploration of the concept of the Sovereign Integral artist. I trust that these few quotes from James' writings, accompanied by my personal understanding of the concept, will be a good stepping stone for your own study, imagination and manifestation of Sovereign Integral consciousness.
As the popular wisdom goes, "a picture is worth a thousand pages of explanatory text", I attach a humble ideogram from my own graphic design workshop to conclude.
In love and free will
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