Let us begin our exploration of the Language of Unity with a brief quote from the Manifesto of the Sovereign Integral:
- No truth can be written, spoken, or thought unless it is conceived and expressed by the Language of Unity.
- The mysteries of your world will never be understood through explorations based on the language of the mind.
- The understanding of the world corresponds exactly to the degree of understanding of yourself.
The Manifesto of the Sovereign Integral
From the quotation, then, it is clear that there are at least two different languages: the Language of Unity and the Language of Mind. To understand the world around us, we need to understand ourselves first, because the outer world is a mirror of our inner world. Our existence is shaped by consciousness, the core of which is called the Wholeness Navigator in the philosophy of the WingMakers. It is the Wholeness Navigator that "speaks" the Language of Unity. The inner structure of the Wholeness Navigator is represented by the 6 Heart Virtues and their 63 combinations. That is, single virtues, pairs, triads, quads, fives, and all 6 together. So 63 combinations in total.
The Wholeness Navigator is the Light Body, which is the zygote, the first cell of consciousness formed by the union of primal light and sound. It is also called Merkaba in ancient texts and is usually depicted as a double cone with a triangular base, a double tetrahedron. One turned with the top down and the other with the top up - see picture:
The Symbol of the Wholeness Navigator - Merkaba
(Resource: WingMakers DVD Meditation in Spacetime)
Let us now take a closer look at the 6 Heart Virtues and their 63 combinations. On the WingMakers.com website, there is a depiction of the Heart Virtues as a spectrum of colors emanating from a common center, which is Love in the form of white light. This depiction has the outline of a hexagon, see the following image.
The scheme of 6 Heart Virtues from the WingMakers.com website
The basic principle of Love is infinite expansion, and because its vibrations create a hexagonal (i.e. 6-angled, 6-pointed) structure in space, the expansion principle of the Heart Virtues can be expressed by a geometric pattern very well known as the Flower of Life - see picture below.
The Flower of Life scheme
Let us now examine this archetypal geometric structure a little more closely to clarify its basic principle, which is the intertwining of two elements, circles, forming an eye-shaped intersection known as the Mandorla or Vesica Piscis - see illustration below.
The intersection of two circles creates the archetypal shape of the Mandorla
If we repeat this principle of the intersection of circles and extend it into 2D space, we get the archetypal geometric structure of the Flower of Life - see the next diagram.
The Mandorla or Vesica Piscis in Flower of Life
In the picture above, the circles of two different colors intersect and a new color is created in the area of their intersection - the mandorla. If I further color the ring of six circles around the primary central white circle in this way, we get the basic hexagonal structure of six primary colors and many intersections where other colors are created by blending or mixing - see diagram below.
Fragmentation of white light into the six primary colors of the Flower of Life
After the integration of the diagrams above, we get the basis of the intelligent communication interface of the Language of Unity - the structure of the universe of a singular light source - see the next diagram.
The Flower of Life scheme and the Six Heart Virtues
The teacher describes the communication interface or zone in the Lyricus order discourse #5 as follows:
The communication zone is the origin of language - of all languages. Language is encoded into this aspect of DNA, where it bubbles up to the surface of human expression. That is, human DNA produces the language of the human species and receives the languages of other species. It's a door opening both ways.
Lyricus Discourse #5 - The Communication Zone
From this we can understand that the Language of Unity is based on emotional intelligence, the basic structure of which is the 6 Heart Virtues and their 63 combinations, which correspond to the primary 6 colors and their 63 combinations. We live in a light-coded reality, a Universe of a singular light source that speaks to us in a language of light and color that can be interpreted through Emotional Intelligence. Therefore, the practice of Emotional Self-mastery is a practice in Vibrational Communication, which can be further defined as the art of Vibrational Coherence. This is also the name of another diagram previously published on the SovereignIntegral.org website - see below:
The Vibrational Coherence from SovereignIntegral.org website
From this diagram, it is clear that there are also 3 primary color vibrational spectrums forming the 3 domains of the human instrument: body, emotions, and mind. Maintaining the vibrational coherence of these 3 primary spectrums leads to accessing or opening the Spiritual Center - the white circle that is the gateway to Sovereign Integral consciousness.
The Flower of Life is an archetypal geometric structure, which is the structure of Love. It is one of the Interdimensional Fractal Concepts (IFC) described by James in his article The Sovereign Integral - A New Model of Existence. This structure winds across dimensions, across time and space, having no beginning or end. James symbolically depicted this fact in his painting of Sovereign Integral consciousness as the genetic archetype of all life forms in our universe - see next diagram.
The Sovereign Integral in the geometry of IFC LOVE with the motiv of Flower of Life
(resource: SovereignIntegral.org website)
This depiction also tells us, "Here in the breath... every breath. No mind to refract reality." Thus, no mind in Sovereign Integral Consciousness is separate from the structure of the Flower of Life, from the structure of Love, and from Emotional Intelligence. Love is the all-encompassing, all-integrating intelligence that communicates in the Language of Unity - the language of vibration, the language of the pure emotional states known as the Heart Virtues.
Understanding of this language can be experienced in the Mandorla of Empowerment, which opens at the intersection of the 3 vibrational fields of Sovereign, Integral, and Sovereign Integral - see the following illustration.
The Mandorla of Empowerment from the article The Sovereign Integral - A New Model of Existence |
James describes the Mandorla of Empowerment as follows:
65. There are many forms of love. As any of us can imagine, this concept is fractal, just like the concepts of Sovereign and Integral. It is a space that is the intersection of Sovereign, Integral (dual manifestations) and Sovereign Integral (non-dual). This space of intersection, this Mandorla of Empowerment, is love in its purest knowable form. Its primary characteristic is the integration of parts of the self that are separated through duality, while allowing free will. This is love and intelligence.
Mandorla of Empowerment is the consciousness of love, which consists of three parts: the Sovereign, the Integral, and the Sovereign Integral. It is the broadest, highest, deepest love knowable by human beings in the early 21st century. The experience and manifestation of this mandorla is the fundamental purpose woven into the DNA of Sovereign.
James Mahu: The Sovereign Integral - A New Model of Existence, paragraph 65
With this beautiful quote, let me conclude Part 1 of the study on the Language of Unity.
In love and free will
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