To better understand what the Sensars are - symbols of the language of unity, let us recall what James says about the hidden harmony of light and sound, sometimes called Para Vach:
"Para Vach is the primordial causal Sound and Light that transcends both manifestation and non-manifestation. It is the breath of the First Source behind the universe. The breath that creates, animates and sets in motion the vibratory substance of matter. It transcends the manifestation of light and sound even when it exists in its most pure and transparent state."
James Mahu - The Coherence of Evolutionary Consciousness
If we think of the Sensars or Glyphs of the Language of Unity not as immobile symbols but as harmonic quanta of vibrating sound and light that are alive, moving, vibrating, sounding, shining - but beyond the range of human senses, we can imagine them in a new way as a kymatic pattern in the form of a standing wave.
Let us now look at James' painting from the Zyanya locality, chamber 20, which depicts one such Glyph of the Language of Unity in detail:
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Painting: James Mahu - Zyanya 20 ( |
In his commentary on this painting, James states:
"This is one of a handful of paintings in the WingMakers' body of art where things are completely abstracted, but this time they are not geometric formations but rather organic, biomorphic forms. It takes the concept of a glyph to a new level as if we're focusing on just one glyph and really scrutinizing its granularity - as if it's under a microscope. This glyph represents the Sovereign Integral - contained (sovereign) and connected (integral)."
James Mahu - commentary on Zyanya painting 20
In addition to the information that the glyph symbolizes the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness, it also states that it is an organic, biomorphic form - that is, the glyph is alive and form-shifting. This suggests that we can imagine it as a kymatic phenomenon. To better visualize this phenomenon of cymatic standing waves, watch the following video from the Journey of Curiosity YouTube channel, where light comes alive under the vibration of sound and literally moves and breathes:
I believe we can now imagine the Glyphs of the Language of Unity as living, biomorphic forms that breathe, move, and communicate.
The cymatic researcher John Stuart Reid also had a great experience when studying the vibrations inside the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt. After stretching a resonant membrane over a sarcophagus in the pyramid, many of the glyphs of Egyptian writing gradually began to appear, and at the same time, during this observation, his injured spine was completely healed. This experience was documented by him and can be seen, for example, in the film "The1Field".
We might ask ourselves, however, why the glyphs don't have the nice symmetrical harmonious shape of the kymatic patterns in the videos. The answer would probably be that the symmetry or harmony of the cymatic waves in the videos is two-dimensional, while the harmony of the Language of Unity Glyphs is multi-dimensional, and thus largely hidden. The part of the glyph that is captured by the 2D geometry of the screen, paper, or canvas is simply a tiny fragment of its wholeness, and therefore its higher dimensional harmony is reduced to a depicted 2D curve that lacks the appeal of the kymatic pattern.
Again, recall what James says about this underlying reality of hidden higher harmony:
"In the study of the phenomenon of waves, which the science of cymatics deals with, it is known that sound waves have an effect on immobile matter, changing it into geometrical, even archetypal forms. This same chain of cause and effect of sound waves on matter is what produces the effect at the atomic and cellular level of the human instrument. However, it is more than the mere physical effect of sound waves. There is a harmony inherent in sound that extends to frequencies higher and lower than the audible range of the human ear. These inaudible frequencies, however, affect the vibrational structure of the DNA of the human instrument, the mind-brain structure, and the central nervous system."
"Because the vibrational structure of the human instrument is discontinuous and asymmetrical, it is a collection of vibrations that operate in multiple resonating systems. There are, however, original root sounds and - because of this original position - causal. These root sounds are inaudible, yet produce a controlled frequency that brings a degree of coherence to the human instrument."
James Mahu - The Coherence of Evolutionary Consciousness
From the above, we can understand that light and sound are alive in a way that is beyond the range of our senses and quite possibly beyond the range of our imagination. These higher harmonic quanta are a world beyond the world, they are another reality waiting to be realized, and then... through our expanded understanding and imagination... we can begin to perceive it.
So let us recall what the WingMakers tell us in James Mahu's book, The Ancient Arrow Project.
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Photograph of WingMakers |
"We are what you will become. You are what we were."
"Together, we are what defines the human soul. Our name translated into your language is the Wing Makers. We are woven into the light of the First Source. You live in a weaker light that has descended to receive you. We are bringing the Language of Unity into this weaker light so that you can see how you will unite into a new cosmological structure, architecture, and majesty that you cannot even imagine."
"... humanity has a secret root that winds into the uncharted realm of the Central Universe of First Source. It is like an umbilical cord that connects the human entity to the nourishing essence of its creator. The secret root is the vehicle of the Language of Unity. It is this language that we have come to teach."
"All life is embedded in what we call the Wholeness Navigator. This is your central wisdom. It guides you to see fragmented existence as a passageway into wholeness and unity. This wisdom is eternal and knows that the secret root exists even when it seems imperceptible to your human senses. The Wholeness Navigator is the tireless engine that propels fragmented life experiences into unified life expression. It is the unmistakable bridge over which all life is sure to cross."
"The Age of Enlightenment is the age of living in a multidimensional universe and the age of appreciating its wholeness, structure, and perfection and then expressing that appreciation through your mind and body into the world of time and space. This is the seed of the vision of the Wholeness Navigator. The imprint of its purpose. We are here to assist beings such as yourself to first formulate and then experience the multidimensional universe as it truly is - not only through the language of your world but through the Language of Unity as you can see it in these Glyphs. As this experience flows through you, you will be transformed. The Wholeness Navigator will be able to place within you a new perception of yourself. One that is connected to the idea of First Source. It is this new perception that emerges through the Wholeness Navigator that will change the course of the planetary system. We are here to accelerate the formation of this idea in the minds of humanity."
James Mahu - The Ancient Arrow Project
With this beautiful, timeless message from the Wing Makers, we conclude today's episode of our study on the Language of Unity.
In love and free will
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