As already mentioned, Senzar - the Language of Unity - is being brought to planet Earth by the Central Race for one simple reason: its communication abilities far exceed those of the language of the mind. This is also the reason why we should say something about the Tributary Zones of WingMakers (or the Central Race), which are installed near the galactic core.
James communicates many facts about these Tributary Zones at various points in his work. Here I will give a brief list of facts about these zones:
- they are the repository of the knowledge of the Central Race (specifically the Lyricus Teaching Order, which is concerned with the distribution of the knowledge of the Central Race to the less evolved species in the Multiverse)
- this knowledge concerns the evolution of consciousness
- these databases are in a quantum state and take the form of visual art animated by music (photonization of atoms)
- they can be visited in a light body in a state of dreaming or deep meditation
- art responds to the presence of the entity of consciousness and is conceived as a hall of mirrors, reflecting a larger image of itself
- until the entity is inside the zone, no message is communicated
- knowledge is divided into seven zones, corresponding to the seven disciplines of Lyricus, which also correspond to the 7 locations of the Wing Makers
- the central science is genetics, which corresponds to the WingMakers Ancient Arrow site
- James, as a member of Lyricus, was involved in the creation of these zones and is charged with "translating" them into the earthly language of the mind
- the images he paints are "snapshots" chosen by him that best capture the narrative "movie" experienced by the entity in the Tributary zone
From this short list, it is clear that the Language of Unity and the Tributary Zone of Lyricus are closely related. The experience of the Tributary Zone expands the understanding of the Language of Unity and vice versa. The following is a very interesting response by James to a question from the WingMakers discussion forum from 2001 to 2003, in which he gives instructions for "using" the Tributary Zones. This is the answer to question #38 from section 3:
Question 38:
"Why are some individuals not involved in spiritual organizations? I feel that I should be part of a religious institution and find my true place there, but some part of me feels that for my growth it is necessary to get closer to everyday life."
James' Answer 38:
"Informed entities remain unaffiliated for good reason. They have a need to be flexible and fleet of mind in their development of thought and in their absorption of new energies. This is noble. It is not a matter of discomfort or non-acceptance. Rather, it is a sign of a preference for appreciating the fluidity of your consciousness rather than influencing it.
Your "true place" is not a place, a position, or a locality; rather, it is a projection of the attitude or perspective of the consciousness of the Sovereign Integral. Let me explain. Imagine the following scenario:
- a beam of light, a prism, and seven separate beams of the spectrum projected onto a wall.
So we have four recognizable parts, right?
- a beam of light
- prism
- the spectrum of the seven rays
- the wall
Now let's look at the scenario in more detail. The wall is made of different materials that can be reduced to their main components (stone, concrete, mortar, bricks, etc.) The spectrum, as we all know, presents millions of colors, although we are only able to recognize seven of them with our eye-brain. A ray of light has an origin, a wavelength, and a direction. So everything is composite, except the prism.
The prism remains simple and sovereign. It is a catalytic force - partly because of its singularity. Informed entities transform into catalysts or "prisms" at this time. The Tributary zones can be likened to a beam of light. You can see yourself as such a prism, projecting a beam of light from the Tributary Zone onto a wall of your choice. As a prism, you are not concerned with what beam you are associated with, nor with what spot on the wall the beam is projected.
Let's move on to the next question of the scenario. What is a prism? A prism is optically transparent and is designed to refract (transform) light. Because a material's ability to refract light varies with its wavelength, prisms are used to distribute light of different wavelengths. If light enters a solid material from the air, the speed at which the light travels is reduced. The light is slowed down or stopped. If light enters at an unusual angle, its direction changes. The light is scattered in a new direction where it can shine.
Imagine this scenario applied to your "place". Realize that thoughts and words are transformed into your own definition of your destiny and purpose. Also, realize that prisms can be molded into a multitude of shapes and also that there are anti-prisms. An equilateral prism (60-degree angle) decomposes and slows down light in a different way than a prism shaped like a hexahedron.
If we equate informed entities with prisms, then the only remaining questions would be:
- What light beam will I be decomposing and slowing down (making it comprehensible)?
- What wall will I cast the light spectrum on?
- Where will I place myself to make the light beam scattering process optimal?
- What kind and shape of prism will I choose to be?
Do you see how your question has shifted or changed? I actually caused a prism effect for your question. Now your question has been diffused onto a new wall, it can be seen in a new light. In this new light, it is no longer about your connection or inclusion in an organization. It is about four questions similar to choices.
I have been intentionally non-specific to allow you enough room for your own interpretation. However, what better way to be catalytic than by my incompleteness?
I will give you one additional suggestion. We are entering a period where the abilities to destroy the old and create the new are unparalleled. It takes great insight to expose weaknesses in one's own work and then destroy the work and replace it with new work. As light passes through the prism, it degrades into time and matter. In other words - informed entities will provide a brighter, bolder, more visible spectrum of light if the light source is from their time, space, and matter.
I think that power is self-contained in a new way. There is a dilution effect by creating bridges and hybrid models. This way of working is about destroying the old and equally creating the new. This is another peculiarity of unattached individuals - the willingness, even eagerness, to flush out the mind so that the old can be replaced by the new."
James Mahu, answers to questions from the WM Discussion Forum, Q. 38, Section 3
With a sufficient degree of abstraction, then, James tells us that we can choose one of the Tributary Zones of Lyricus, that is, one of the sciences, and communicate the higher knowledge of that field that we have acquired in the Tributary Zone into the earthly language of the mind of the present era in which we as individuals live. So it will be interesting to see what the 7 scientific disciplines are:
![]() |
The diagram from Lyricus FAQ section, |
Because these 7 scientific disciplines are very comprehensive and can probably encompass all contemporary knowledge of earthly humanity, we do not necessarily have to be certified scientists to work in the chosen field. All fields of human knowledge have a common root, and that is Self-knowledge. For, as stated in the Sovereign Integral Manifesto, we can only know the external world to the extent that we know ourselves. So Self-knowledge is a good place for each of us to start.
Each of us, then, is a researcher and explorer of life as we experience our daily experiences and explore our own ability to extract wisdom from those life experiences. We are learning to understand what life is communicating to us through its events, how we are to interpret events to maintain our own psycho-coherence and sense of harmony, and how we are to continue to contribute our energy to the collective vibrational field of humanity to best assist the human family in passing through this challenging stage of its evolutionary trajectory, etc.
James' prism metaphor can probably also be compared to the concept of the Sovereign Integral Artist, which James defined in his article The Sovereign Integral - A New Model of Existence in paragraph 100 as follows:
100. The definition of an artist in this context is as follows: an artist is one who can imagine with noble intent the indistinct outline of the Sovereign Integral and then manifest it in his life. That is all. You can be, for example, a physicist-artist, a government worker-artist, a lawyer-artist, an unemployed-artist, a mother-artist, a child-artist. All that matters is whether you practice the intention of making the Noble Mind and its imaginative faculties available. Art will come through our lives and our collective Social Program will expand into new possibilities through the commitment and dedication of each artist.
James Mahu - The Sovereign Integral - A New Model of Existence, par. 100
We have a beautiful opportunity to live in a time when not only science and religion are converging into a unified knowledge, but also art and science are converging into a unified expression. A beautiful example of these convergences is the HeartMath Institute and its Personal-Social-Global Coherence Initiative. The intro video to this project reveals much (the graphic in the video is a good example of a language with universal meaning that does not need to be translated):
However, as James stated, the Art of Sovereign Integral is "projected" onto the walls of our daily lives, taking the form of thousands of everyday emotions, thoughts, and actions. Whether we call these manifestations Art or Science, it is simply what the spirit of our times demands of us.
In love and free will
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