
Showing posts from January, 2023


Three phases of the emotional self-mastery process

"Be a place on earth where nothing grows, but where something can be bred - the seed of God." Rumi - Sufi mystic Emotional self-mastery, as described by James Mahu in concepts such as " Living from the Heart ", is a process. It is not one event, one act, it is a process that must continue on and on in the life of the individual. In the article mentioned above, James states that this process has three phases: 1. Observation 2. Treatment 3. Transformation So let's explore these three phases so that we can see what they bring to our daily practice of emotional self-mastery and how they differ from each other. We begin our exploration with a quote from James, who describes the process in Living from the Heart as follows: "For those who establish emotional self-mastery as their path, they will need to track, treat and transform their behaviors as they progress on this journey because this is not about instant gratification. This journey is truly focu

Unconditional appreciation

Appreciation or gratitude, as one of the six Virtues of the Heart, may seem like a very familiar emotional state that is easily expressed with the word "thank you" when one receives a gift or an honor. But let us explore this seemingly simple intelligence to see what may lie in its depths. Gratitude is also listed as one of the three Life Principles of Sovereign Integral Consciousness in the WingMakers materials. Just as the six Virtues of the Heart are an interwoven, united intelligence that emanates from a common center in which the tone vibration of the First Source is found, so the three Life Principles also spring from the Source vibration and provide for its expansion. Diagram illustrating Life Principles from the WM Philosophy chamber 1 If we examine Gratitude as the Life principle of the SI consciousness (Sovereign Integral), we find that in the Philosophy of Chamber 1, Gratitude is defined as the intelligence that establishes the individual's Relationship with th


  Self-reflection is the inception point of the Sovereign Integral Process. Therefore, it is crucial to understand what Self-reflection is. Self-reflection is self-awareness accompanied by self-knowledge: I am what I am . Self-reflection opens a perspective of neutrality, a neutral attitude toward one's own emotions, thoughts, character traits, actions, etc. Therefore, it is always accompanied by Self-acceptance, Self-love, and its fruit is inner peace. But Self-reflection is very different from the state of Indifference, the basis of which is Ignorance. Self-reflection activates the Inception Point of Consciousness. It opens the portal to the realm of the Sovereign Integral. It is the "keyhole" through which you can peer from the "You-complex" into the "I-complex" in your vibrational field. It brings the understanding of "the other is me - only in a separate body". Understanding that "the external world as it appears to my senses is onl